
Braille lessons at the House of Grace

The House of Grace is a home for children affected by HIV and AIDS, where they receive education, physical and medical care, a Christian upbringing and preparation for adulthood.  49 children are currently being cared for.

Sharing best practice in Nigeria

acet UK CEO, Sarah Smith, recently returned from Nigeria where she delivered training to our ACET Nigeria colleagues and visited some of their projects. Here she gives a report on the training.

Bringing hope to those in despair

Thanks to your support, each month around a 1000 patients access the medical care services provided by Nireekshana ACET. The community based medical clinic serves people living in the slums of Hyderabad, India. People who are vulnerable to HIV and other diseases exacerbated by poverty.


This #MakeADifferenceDay, considering the wellbeing of our young people leads me to ask questions about how we can make a difference to them.

A year in the life of ACET Ukraine

Over 200 ACET Ukraine volunteers work across 75 cities. They are all Christians who have received a call to become salt and light: a source of love and acceptance for young people who find themselves in bleak circumstances.

Challenging taboo in DR Congo

My name is Esther and I am 13 years old. Before I came into contact with ACET DRC, I was ashamed to talk to adults. I had things I could not tell Mum, or Dad, and I did not have many friends in the neighbourhood.

Kids clubs in rural Nigeria

My name is Irumun and I am 11 years old. I am a twin and have five other siblings in my family. My father died before I was born and it is difficult for my mother to take care of us so I was sent to live with other families.

#WomensEqualityDay 2017

As Women’s Equality Day is celebrated on 26th August 2017, the question of why gender equality is important seems to be returning to the fore of the global agenda for change.


We wanted to know what women had to say about wearing make up, how wearing it makes them feel and what they'd tell their teenage self.

A guide to Growing Up

acet UK CEO Sarah Smith has written a book for 11-14 year olds called “A Guide to Growing Up” which is a Christian perspective on puberty, sex and God. We asked Sarah to tell us a bit more about her book:

Why did you decide to write “A Guide to Growing Up”?

Relationships and sex education in the UK

With your support, we reached 1,510 young people in the borough of Southwark in 2016/2017 with our own relationships and sex education delivery, as well as nearly 700 young people in other areas, including working with a group of very vulnerable young people in a secure mental health unit.

Manju's story of HIV, love and respect

One of the projects which our donors support is the HIV prevention and care work of Nireekshana ACET, a community based initiative dedicated to the care of people living with HIV and AIDS in Hyderabad, India.