Thank you so much!!!! Over the past 7 days, you have helped us raise £15,554 in the Big Give Christmas Challenge.
The money we raised together will fund three projects in Sub-Saharan Africa during 2020:
Addressing the drivers of HIV, including stigma, poverty and gender inequality, ACET Nigeria reaches hundreds of young people with quality relationships and sex education through their Kids’ and Esteem Clubs; and provides HIV testing, counselling and treatment adherence support. Find out more.
Zimbabwe - The Shining Star Project
The Nehemiah Project's Shining Star Project trains girls engaged in sex work as peer educators, equipping them to provide sexual health messages to other female sex workers. Peer educators are also helped to exit sex work through counselling, and vocational and business skills training. Find out more.
Democratic Republic of Congo
Challenging harmful norms, including gender inequality and sexual violence, ACET DRC volunteers provide relationships and sex education sessions for young people in schools and life skills clubs; and offer counselling for survivors of sexual violence at their 'listening centres.' Find out more.
If you didn't get a chance to take part but would still like to support our work, please giev using the donate button below.