
Youth Mental Health Day 2022

We know that in the past couple of years many things such as the pandemic, rising living costs and exam uncertainty have added to the mental health challenges young people were already facing.

Save the date!

Save Saturday 20th May 2023 in your diaries! Watch this space for more about the W4 Black Tie Ball to celebrate 35 years of acet UK.

Zimbabwe - Ebi's story

A new cohort of 91 girls and women engaged in sex work have joined the Shining Star program this year as peer educators.

Racial identity project

The development of our racial identity project is now well underway. Michelle conducted further focus groups in 3 schools earlier this year to inform the creation of a set of lessons, meeting with students from years 7 to 10.

Expanding into primary schools

Since Relationships Education became statutory in primary schools in 2020, we have often been asked to expand our Esteem program to include sessions for Primary-aged children – so this is what we are doing!

Nigeria - reaching the most vulnerable

During 2022, ACET Nigeria has been expanding its relationships and sex education program, training teams at children's homes to run Esteem Clubs for the young people in their care.

Salt & Light August 2022

The Prince of Wales was among the guests at a special Service of Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey in June to celebrate the giving of over £100 million to good causes by the Benefact Group.

Everyone can sparkle #RSEDay2022

You might feel that you don’t understand 'the youth of today' but this year the theme for RSE Day is “Everyone can sparkle; celebrating differences” and that is what we would love to help you do! Help you to sparkle!

Help Ukraine

"Parents were shot and mothers were raped in front of their children.

What is a father?

This Sunday marks my 4th Father’s Day as a father. Looking back on this time, sitting here with two kids and a wife, I have pondered to myself what makes a good father?

A royal celebration at Westminster Abbey!

His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales, was among the guests at a special Service of Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey last week, to celebrate the giving of over £100 million to good causes by the Benefact Group.