
Changing of the guard!

After 5 years as CEO, Sarah is stepping back (into another role at acet UK) to allow her to take on other life challenges. Thank you, Sarah, for your passion, commitment, positivity and care!

Sarah shares a little about her time at the helm:

One-to-one work with young people in Jersey

Founded in 2011, Esteem network member, YouMatter, work with thousands of young people across Jersey every year, helping them respond thoughtfully to the pressures, choices and challenges that they face.

2nd edition of #IsItOK? on sale now ...

... with an improved box design, an extra card and new instructions.

RSE for pupils in specialist provision

Our Esteem team in Southwark provide RSE in a specialist provision school for boys with social, emotional and mental health issues. This alternative educational setting supports young men who have been excluded from mainstream school for a variety of reasons.

Prison work in Belarus

Many of the men and women in the prisons in Belarus have poor knowledge and awareness of HIV and lack the skills necessary to develop positive lifestyle choices, safe behaviours, and healthy relationships.

Taking HIV education to the streets in Zimbabwe

The Shining Star project uses a peer education model to reduce HIV transmission, by educating girls and women engaged in sex work who then share sexual health messages with thousands of their peers.

Prison work in Nigeria

ACET Nigeria is currently forming a partnership with the Nigerian Prisons authorities Plateau State Command, to provide their Esteem programme of sexual and reproductive health education for the inmates of Jos prison.

Kelly-Joy goes back to school!

Earlier this term, acet UK’s Kelly-Joy had the opportunity to participate in one of our 4 Day relationship and sex education (RSE) training courses. Here she shares her experience.

RSE for young people with mental ill health

1 in 8 children have a diagnosable mental health disorder – that’s roughly 3 children in every classroom - and only a quarter of them have contact with a mental health specialist.

You're amazing!

Thank you so much!!!! Over the past 7 days, you have helped us raise £15,554 in the Big Give Christmas Challenge.

World AIDS Day: leaving no one behind

'Communities make the difference. Communities contribute to the AIDS response in many different ways.

A huge range of RSE materials

One of the key benefits of accessing our accredited relationships and sex education (RSE) training course is that the training fee includes your first year’s membership in the Esteem network of RSE educators.