Youth Engagement, Ukraine
Young people often first meet ACET Ukraine when the team comes to their school to provide University of Healthy Youth sessions. Then the teenagers discover there are other ACET activities they can participate in, such as youth clubs and social campaigns.
Teen Mum Project, Zimbabwe
The World Bank estimates half of Zimbabwe fell into extreme poverty during the pandemic due to the economic impact of lockdowns. This has caused more vulnerable girls to turn to sex work in desperation.
Salt & Light Newsletter November 2021
Welcome to the November 2021 issue of Salt and Light.
acet UK wins a £10,000 Movement for Good award!
acet UK has won a £10,000 Movement for Good award from Ecclesiastical Insurance Group! AMAZING!
Expanding the reach of the Esteem programme
In spite of COVID, this academic year has been a significant year of training expansion for us.
Leaving a Legacy
After providing for loved ones, many people choose to leave money to their favourite charity and, as a faithful supporter of acet UK’s work, please might this be something you would like to consider?
Raise a FREE donation when you sell property
Thinking about selling your property? Agnieszha Kazmierczak runs a real estate agency called Leading Property Investments that actively supports charities throughout the UK and internationally.
6 months with ACET Ukraine
Many young people who returned to school after COVID closures were distressed about all they had missed, and had struggled with increased screen time and not being able to see friends.
Raise donations when you sell on eBay
When selling items on eBay, you can choose to donate between 10% and 100% of your selling price to acet UK.
Raise FREE funds while you search
Use our dedicated Everyclick page at as your search engine and raise donations for acet UK, for FREE, as you surf the web.
Fundraise while you quiz!
Thanks to our partnership with Warp Point, you can run a fun, interactive, online quiz with friends and family - and fundraise for acet UK at the same time!
Warp Point is a FREE platform – follow these few steps to get started:
Recycle your unwanted items and raise FREE donations
Our partners at Recycling for Good Causes will reuse and recycle unwanted or broken jewellery, watches, banknotes, coins, stamps and gadgets, saving precious raw materials and giving the proceeds to acet UK!
There are 3 recycling schemes: