
Visiting Belarus

Earlier this year, acet UK’s Sarah and Anna visited the ACET Belarus team to see them in action. During their stay, they observed a session at a sports college, ACET Belarus talk shows, and their schools work.

Uganda: Nakulabye Junior School

Friends of ACET in Uganda (FAU) donors have long supported Nakulabye Junior School, raising money to build the current school and paying the fees of orphans and other vulnerable children who would otherwise have been unable to afford to go to school.

Running for acet UK

A huge shout out to supporter, Greg, who will be running the Ealing half marathon, on September 29th, in aid of acet UK. If you are in the area, please cheer him on!

Free tickets to the Christian Resources Exhibition

Click here to get a free ticket, worth £8, for the Christian Resources Exhibition this October at Sandown Park.

Support our 30th anniversary appeal

Click play to watch an appeal message from Sarah Smith, Chief Executive of acet UK.

None of our work would be possible without our supporters' generous donations

International gathering of the ACET family

In May 2019, members of the ACET family gathered together in Kingston upon Thames, for a series of workshops to share best practice, learn from and support each other.

Belarus: breaking the cycle

 ACET Belarus reached 4,108 parents last year through workshops and talk shows, addressing concerns around sex, relationships, drugs, alcohol and lifestyle choices.

Salt and Light April 2019

Welcome to the latest issue of Salt and Light

UK: parents’ workshops

Our parents' workshops are designed to equip parents and carers to talk with their families about relationships and sex confidently, in a positive and age appropriate way.

During the workshops, we:

Ukraine: strengthening families

Alongside ACET Ukraine’s bespoke ‘University of Healthy Youth’ programme, delivered to young people in schools and colleges, the team provide parents with training evenings.

Zimbabwe: positive parenting in difficult circumstances

The Nehemiah Project promotes positive parenting amongst its peer educators, through home visits and emotional support. Last year, the project also organised a one-day workshop for 40 girls and women engaged in sex work.

Nigeria: challenging societal norms

To complement their Kids Clubs and HIV prevention and care activities, ACET Nigeria trained 47 parents and guardians of vulnerable children last year, so that the children could more readily absorb and apply education messages, with support and guidance from their families.