New HIV statistics from Public Health England
Watch our short video below about the new HIV statistics from Public Health England.
Esteem conference 2016
This year our acet UK Esteem conference took place in two venues – in London, on September 13th, and Leicester, on the 16th.
What do young people say about Esteem?
Check out our new video here. We asked some young people what they thought about the Esteem sessions they received, what activities they liked best and what they had learned.
Filming with The Naked Truth
Today we have been filming with Bethany MacDonald, from the Naked Truth, to create a new resource.
Sex and the Law Workshop
Yesterday, the two lead Police Youth Engagement Officers for Cheshire, PC Amy Fletcher and PC Jane Commins, led an interactive workshop for acet UK, about ‘Sex and the Law.’
Esteem Boys' Project training
We recently ran our first batch of training for our Esteem Network members in London and in Manchester, which was developed to give educators the confidence and skills necessary to deliver the Esteem Boys' Project in their own contexts.
Online and offline behaviours: the impact of porn on young people
I recently led some training for Romance Academy about the impact of porn on young people and the potential ways we can help young people navigate these pressures. It was a great training day where everyone got to closely examine the theories of how porn is impacting young people.
A new HIV clinic for Nireekshana ACET
Thanks to funding from the Christian Building Trust, Nireekshana ACET has held the ground breaking ceremony for a new HIV clinic. Here is Nireekshana founder Dr Sujai Suneetha, along with former Director of ACET Slovakia, Pastor Milan Presburger, planting a tree at the ceremony.
The zika virus is not an STI
This news post is written to help relationships and sex education workers respond to possible Zika questions from young people. In the past 6 months, there has been significant media coverage of the Zika virus outbreak across Central and Southern America.