
Introducing race identity sessions as part of the Esteem project

Events of the last year, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, and also the racist treatment of East Asians over the COVID-19 pandemic, have brought the importance of race to the forefront, and hopefully, it's here to stay.

What makes you happy?

What makes you happy?

You might think it’s as simple as a curry on a Friday night, a glass (or even a bottle!) of wine on an evening. But a curry on your own, a bottle of wine alone or even watching a sporting or cultural event means little if it is not shared.

#ChooseToChallenge gender based violence

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating women! This year their theme is 'Choose To Challenge.’

Imagine working in an industry where, if you even reported gender based violence, there would only be a 20% chance that the police would investigate?

Recycle for acet UK

Thanks to our partnership with Recycling for Good Causes, if you have any unwanted jewellery, watches, stamps, phones, cameras or gadgets you can recycle them at no cost to you, whilst raising funds for acet UK! 

There are three schemes:

World AIDS Day: Shared responsibility, global solidarity

Whilst COVID19 has been a terrible pandemic, the AIDS crisis is one of the deadliest pandemics EVER, certainly within living memory.

Raising champions

With your help, acet UK and the ACET family is raising champions to stand up for, educate, and protect children and young people in over 15 countries.

Statutory relationships and sex education (RSE) has arrived!

After years of consultation, the new RSE guidance is finally statutory. The guidance details learning outcomes but leaves the decision of what materials and approaches are used to the school itself.

RSE in the digital age: Let's get more comfortable being uncomfortable

The 'digital age' has been a buzzword for many years now, if not for decades, and is usually spoken about in other contexts. But how has the creation and growing dependence on the internet impacted young people and, in particular, how they view relationships and sex?

Salt and Light newsletter August 2020

Since our March newsletter, life has been a rollercoaster for many of us. Our love goes out to you all, however, lockdown and COVID-19 has affected you and your family.

Relationships and sex education: yearning to learn

With schools about to reopen, the topic of statutory relationships and sex education is back on the news agenda.

17 years of ACET Ukraine!

17 years

100 cities

700 ministers in 98 churches

4 projects ministry

It was fantastic to receive this video from ACET Ukraine recently - such a celebration of their far-reaching and valuable work.

What's it like being a member of the Esteem network?

If you were thinking about accessing relationships and sex education (RSE) training and have come across acet UK, you might be wondering what the Esteem network is all about.