As we approach World AIDS Day on December 1st, the latest issue of Salt and Light focuses on the ACET family's work in HIV prevention and care. Click the headings below to read more about what is happening in different countries, or read the newsletter in its entirety by clicking the following PDF link:
World AIDS Day: leaving no one behind
The theme for this year's UNAIDS World AIDS Day is 'communities.' In three countries most affected by the pandemic, acet UK’s international partners, ACET Nigeria, ACET DRC and the Nehemiah Project, Zimbabwe are embedded within communities that are affected by HIV. Read more.
HIV in the UK
Public Health England have published encouraging figures about new HIV diagnoses in the UK - but there are a number of challenges which risk the progress that has been made. Read more.
Helping the most vulnerable help themselves
The economic crisis in Zimbabwe means unemployment is around 90%, with 63% of households living below the poverty line. As a result, the country has seen growth in informal labour including sex work. Read how the Nehemiah Project is helping the most vulnerable women and girls protect themselves from HIV and find alternative ways to make a living.
Addressing HIV stigma, poverty and gender inequality in Nigeria
Children and young people carry the greatest burden in Nigeria: the only country in the world where AIDS related deaths amongst young people is on the rise. Read about what ACET Nigeria is doing to tackle the drivers of HIV.
Challenging sexual violence and other drivers of HIV in DRC
Read how ACET DRC are challenging harmful norms, including gender inequality and sexual violence, by providing relationships and sex education sessions for young people in schools and life skills clubs, and offering counselling for survivors of sexual violence at their 'listening centres.'
Spotlight on the Blue Sky trust
Whether it's providing help to come to terms with a diagnosis, peer mentoring, rebuilding confidence or becoming part of a supportive community, Esteem network member, Blue Sky Trust has supported hundreds of men, women and children living with, and affected by HIV, in North East England and North Cumbria. Read more.