Raise donations when you sell on eBay

When selling items on eBay, you can choose to donate between 10% and 100% of your selling price to acet UK.

eBay for Charity listings are the same as any other eBay listing, except for the blue and yellow eBay for Charity ribbon in the search results - this means your listing can be seen by everyone who searches through eBay and it will also get extra visibility through the eBay for Charity pages.

Every time you list an item for acet UK, you'll get a fee credit on your basic insertion and final value fees equal to the percentage you donate. So if you donate 50% of your selling price to our work, eBay will waive 50% of your fees.

You can even Gift Aid your donations.

For a guide on selling with eBay for charity, visit bit.ly/ebaycharityguide.
