Positive Life Social Networks Project - Ukraine

ACET Ukraine’s mission is to help young people make informed, healthy lifestyle choices and avoid damaging relationships, violence, drugs, STIs, HIV, and suicide (the leading cause of death amongst adolescents in Ukraine).

With more than 700 trained volunteers, ACET Ukraine has been caring for, protecting and inspiring young people for over 17 years, in over 100 cities.

Their ‘University of Healthy Youth’ training programme is approved by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine for delivery in educational institutions and has received many glowing reviews from doctors, psychologists, and methodologists. 

The ACET Ukraine team has always been innovative: reviewing and updating their programmes each year, taking into account the needs of their beneficiaries, and using modern technology and trends to make their training sessions and social campaigns engaging, interactive and appealing to young people.

735 teenagers received counselling and support online

So, it was no surprise that they created their ‘Positive Life Social Networks Project’ to complement the work done with young people in schools (and also in the youth clubs that ACET Ukraine volunteers run across the country).

The Positive Life project allows young people to access counselling and advice on social networks from trained ACET Ukraine educators, on a range of issues impacting their lives, such as arguments with their parents, unrequited love, bullying and cyberbullying, use of alcohol and drugs, and suicidal thoughts.

A big plus of online consultations is the opportunity to speak openly about the love of God and to offer prayer support.

12 yr old Lena was being bullied at school

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  I am glad that I can be friends with you online. It is great that I can always ask for advice. I stopped being scared of my classmates who hurt me. I began to love myself and try to be positive! 

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13 year old Veronica

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I will talk to my boyfriend about the fact that our relationship shouldn’t turn into a sexual one now. If he doesn’t understand, then I will break up with him. I will save myself for someone who will respect my opinion. Thank you for teaching me all this.

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