Relationships Education is statutory in primary schools, and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is statutory at secondary level. School teachers are expected to deliver these lessons in addition to their own subject specialities and we find that many feel woefully ill-equipped and out of their comfort zone! That’s why we are passionate about supporting them so that the children in their schools receive engaging, informative lessons from confident, knowledgeable RSE educators.
Although we do have school teaching staff attending our accredited course so that they can access the level 4 accreditation in ‘Teaching Relationships and Sex Education ’, we also offer a 1-day condensed course specifically written for teachers, as well as half-day workshops.
Thanks to your support, Paul was recently able to provide a secondary school in Oxford with a bespoke workshop for 11 of their teachers. They looked at key aspects of the current government statutory guidance for RSE and Paul guided them through some activity ideas of how they could facilitate great lessons around topics such as healthy relationships, STIs, and online naked picture sharing.
While Paul was busy in the secondary part of the school, Rachel was busy training teachers of the primary classes to help them provide their younger children with engaging Relationships Education lessons!
Rachel helped the teachers understand the government guidance and what learning outcomes needed to be covered by the end of KS2. They had a lot of questions about what the government guidance specifically says about the topics that should be taught at primary level.
It was also interesting to see them learn new things from this session: for instance, they were surprised to learn how early girls can start their periods.
The teachers enjoyed getting hands-on with some of Rachel’s suggested activity ideas for the five Relationships Education topics as well as two Health Education topics: Mental Well-being and The Changing Adolescent Body.